EN /  About Kvarnstrands /  History


1939 The company is founded by Gunnar Ljunggren, who returned to Sweden, after have been working at the T-ford factory in Rockford,  Illinois,USA.
1942 Bernt Kvarnstrand was employed in the company
1945 Bernt, Börje and Gustav Kvarnstrand purchase the company. The company produced then drill tools.
1953 Kvarnstrands starts to produce moulder tools.
1970 Conny Kvarnstrand is employed in the company.
1985 Conny purchase the company and starts as MD.
1992 The first traveling salesmens are employed and the sales organisation starts to develop.
1994 Kvarnstrands purchase Bodafors Verktygsservice (tool service) and the grinding service of the company sees the light.

Kværner Messnas manufacture of solid moulder tools is purchased, and Kvarnstrands etablate a sales office in Gjøvik, Norwway.
The cooperation with Waco Jonab Systeme (WJS) in Germany begins and the tools starts selling at the continent.

1999 Jon Stenbergs manifacture of  reliefed tipped moulder tools are purchased.
2002 The sales company KOS is founded by a alliance with the swedish part of Oertli Switzerland, and Kvarnstrands sales organisation.
David Kvarnstrand is hired as MD for the companies.
2010 The next generation change is made and David is the majority owner of the stocks, next to Linda Kvarnstrand and Frida Kvarnstrand.
2011 Stridsbergs Norge AS is purchased together with Tore Djerv, owner of Goy Verktøy. Stridsbergs is one of the largers grinder companies in Norway for sawmills and moulders.
2012 Nybro Verktygsservice, one of the largest grinding stations in the south of Sweden, with focus at sawblades for sawmills is purchased.
Kvarnstrands etablate resailers in Russia.
2013 The agency for Kanefusa in Sweden and Norway is taken over by Kvarnstrands.
2014 The stocks for KOS is purchased from Oertli.
In conjunction with this, KOS is incorperated into Kvarnstrands Verktyg AB.

Today we delivere tools all over Europe, USA and Canada. The grinding service is important in Sweden and Norway.