EN /
About Kvarnstrands /
1939 | The company is founded by Gunnar Ljunggren, who returned to Sweden, after have been working at the T-ford factory in Rockford, Illinois,USA. |
1942 | Bernt Kvarnstrand was employed in the company |
1945 | Bernt, Börje and Gustav Kvarnstrand purchase the company. The company produced then drill tools. |
1953 | Kvarnstrands starts to produce moulder tools. |
1970 | Conny Kvarnstrand is employed in the company. |
1985 | Conny purchase the company and starts as MD. |
1992 | The first traveling salesmens are employed and the sales organisation starts to develop. |
1994 | Kvarnstrands purchase Bodafors Verktygsservice (tool service) and the grinding service of the company sees the light. |
1998 |
Kværner Messnas manufacture of solid moulder tools is purchased, and Kvarnstrands etablate a sales office in Gjøvik, Norwway. |
1999 | Jon Stenbergs manifacture of reliefed tipped moulder tools are purchased. |
2002 | The sales company KOS is founded by a alliance with the swedish part of Oertli Switzerland, and Kvarnstrands sales organisation. David Kvarnstrand is hired as MD for the companies. |
2010 | The next generation change is made and David is the majority owner of the stocks, next to Linda Kvarnstrand and Frida Kvarnstrand. |
2011 | Stridsbergs Norge AS is purchased together with Tore Djerv, owner of Goy Verktøy. Stridsbergs is one of the largers grinder companies in Norway for sawmills and moulders. |
2012 | Nybro Verktygsservice, one of the largest grinding stations in the south of Sweden, with focus at sawblades for sawmills is purchased. Kvarnstrands etablate resailers in Russia. |
2013 | The agency for Kanefusa in Sweden and Norway is taken over by Kvarnstrands. |
2014 | The stocks for KOS is purchased from Oertli. In conjunction with this, KOS is incorperated into Kvarnstrands Verktyg AB. |
Today we delivere tools all over Europe, USA and Canada. The grinding service is important in Sweden and Norway.